We have identified the most frequently stated reasons why champions are becoming a part of the…
UQ Commendation Award for Collaborators of the Year!
We have some exciting news! The BeUpstanding™ Team received a commendation award for collaborators of…
The Lighter Side of LiveLighter – Sit Less with Damian Callinan
This short video by LiveLighter had us laughing. Check out comedian Damian Callinan tips to…
Policies relating to occupational sedentary behaviour?
Your workplace is likely to have policies regarding leave, fire safety, employment conditions, etc. etc.…
Reduce the health risks of sedentary work
Sedentary work is a growing health and safety concern across the globe. This article is…
Tips from the longest-living populations in the world
‘The Blue Zones’ are populations that experience longer, healthier and fuller lives. You might have…