Health Benefits of Urban Green Spaces
A recent article from the BBC contained a shocking statistic that the average American spends “90% of their time indoors.” Though only a survey of the United States, it’s not hard to imagine that across the globe westerners are similarly confined to our homes or places of work. But why should this matter? The author Phillipa Fogarty cites decades of research summing up how time spent outdoors has beneficial impacts on our blood pressure and mental wellbeing while also making us happier and more engaged at work. All we need to do is spend time walking or moving in nature. But before you pack your bags and head for the hills, there is evidence that the same benefits can be gained from just five minutes. The article goes on to say that when compared to indoor “relaxation” training or having a view of the outdoors, the benefits of time outdoors are greatest with short daily walks. So spend a few minutes in a local park on your way to work, as a group as part of a BeUpstanding team, or on your lunch break and bring the benefits of the great outdoors into your own backyard. This article was written…