UPDATE: Who’s Come On Board? (Sep.-Dec. ’17)
Update: September – December, 2017 We are back with some exciting updates for you on the BeUpstanding™ Champion Toolkit! The soft launch of the toolkit in September 2017 was well-received with 45+ champions signing up in the first 3 months – a fantastic result. These champions have taken the initiative to turn their workplaces into healthier work-spaces for their colleagues and themselves, with the key message of ‘sitting less and moving more’. Let’s look at some interesting facts and figures about our champions who have come on-board. The response from Queensland and Western Australia has been outstanding with 30% and 27% representation by champions respectively. New South Wales is not far behind. We are pleased with champion representation from the range of states and territories across Australia. With 70% of champions being female, women have ‘up stood’ men in the gender demographic (for now). Our youngest champion is only 21, whilst our eldest champion is 60 years of age – proving that healthier lifestyle choices can be made at any age. The public and private sectors are head-to-head in the drive to BeUpstanding™, with nearly 50% of our champions representing either sector. Moreover, it is not just metropolitan workplaces that are coming…