The Evidence

Keep it moving – fact sheets from Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute now available

One of the Academic partners on BeUpstanding – Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute – has put together some fantastic resources and fact sheets to help people keep it moving during the pandemic. Below is a snip from their healthy adults fact sheet. They also have fact sheets for people living with heart disease, people living with diabetes, people living with cancer, and older adults. This is just the start of a series of blogs and resources we will be providing to you through our BeUpstanding blog as we adjust to these extra-ordinary times. Stay safe, stay well, be kind – and, if you can – BeUpstanding.

How Can Using a Standing Desk Affect Your Productivity

This article is re-posted from a Sedentary Behaviour Research Network blog post on 3rd July 2019. Recently, research into the topic of excessive sitting, or “sedentary behaviour”, has been making headlines. The risk for chronic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, that comes with high levels of sitting is becoming more evident (1). Office workers represent a population that spend a significant amount of time in sedentary pursuits as a consequence of their occupation (2). As more research is being published on the topic, many workplaces are seeking non-sedentary alternatives and solutions to the traditional office environment to keep their employees as healthy and productive as possible. One such solution has been the implementation of activity-permissive workstations. Activity-permissive, or alternative, workstations replace a worker’s traditional desk and are broadly categorized into either standing desks or dynamic workstations. Standing desks allow for a worker to stand while performing a task (e.g., typing, clerical work), and can be installed as additions to an existing workstation, or as height-adjustable replacement units (see Figure 1). Dynamic workstations are designed to allow for activity or movement while working, and include a variety of alternative workstations, such as: treadmill desks, cycling desks, and dynamic sitting desks…
